Real-Time Root Causes Assessment
Full-shift exposure sampling (typically using pumps and filter media, see picture at left) is the choice method in establishing compliance with OSHA regulations. Such samples produce a single 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA, see example results below) that is directly comparable to OSHA PELs and Action Levels, which are often full-shift limits.

Instead of one number, real-time monitoring methods can create thousands of measurements, all potentially linked to worker/facility activities through observations, activity logs, production data, and even video/audio recordings.
The collected data can be statistically evaluated in a number of ways to determine correlations that can be targeted for controls. Below are several examples of the root causes that are commonly observed in industrial environments.

An Advanced Method to Determine Root Causes of Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica in Foundries, E. Pylkas, B. Scholz, American Foundry Society 118th Metalcasting Congress

Real-Time Monitoring for Silica Exposure Analysis, E. Pylkas, B. Scholz, Modern Casting January 2018